One day, the process may be used in practical settings to provide a fundamental way of regeneration.
Such general statements seem unwarranted both in the literature and practical settings.
Most research had been done on psychometric testing which was also by far the most widely used in practical settings.
It is also by far the most widely used in practical settings.
It was so useful to talk about careers in a practical setting.
IQ is the most researched attempt at measuring intelligence and by far the most widely used in practical setting.
Some university students see it as a way to develop their employability by utilizing the academic elements of their degree in a practical setting.
The definition of limits is general enough to subsume several constructions useful in practical settings.
In many practical settings, the same body of information has to be included in different documents.
But she went on to business school, she said, because she wanted to put her academic background to use in a practical setting.