But I fancy that England is content to get on with the war, and that things take a more practical turn at home.
"Let's drink his health and see," a farmer suggested who, apparently, had a practical turn of mind.
Jardine gave a practical turn to the teaching of his chair, and established a system of daily examination.
It was after you dismissed me that my speculations along such lines began to take a practical turn.
Mark appeared taken aback by this sudden practical turn.
It is also true that students possessed of a more creative or practical turn of mind do less well than their classmates.
This box is for people with a practical turn of mind.
One reason for the desertion rate was that those people of a practical turn of mind were working out the subtle economics.
I would say I have a more practical turn of mind.
His thoughts must take a practical turn; what was he to do that would help Stephen?