Nor is it that tough to learn, if it's approached from a practical viewpoint.
Countless billions - but a small fraction of one percent from a practical viewpoint - and no publication lists their whereabouts.
From a practical viewpoint, he might as well have been alone if it came to confronting the southerners openly.
So we'd better take the practical viewpoint or we'll be getting off on a lot of fanciful, impossible notions.
The names provide comprehensive evidence of support for the project, both from the academic and practical viewpoint.
He disliked the graveyard from a practical viewpoint: dead people made poor catmel hunters.
From a practical viewpoint, we have no need for an analysis of gravity that is more accurate than Newton's, unless we become astronomers or astronauts.
He is currently working on the possible combination of social development and Thai weaving techniques from the conceptual and practical viewpoints.
The report brings a practical viewpoint to the debate on regional policy kindled by the Commission.
Ridges: From a practical viewpoint, a ridge can be thought of as a one-dimensional curve that represents an axis of symmetry.