School It is possible practical and reflective wisdom was transmitted in a house of learning or instruction.
He should have a knowledge of human nature, practical wisdom, and the ability to dictate a good letter.
By 2 a.m., with the consumer population dropping to about 10, I began to question the practical wisdom of the 24-hour policy.
There are elements of practical wisdom, inspiring compassion, even humor.
"Increase of common sense and practical wisdom was a marked result of the new life."
But if you cannot get cream, settle for milk, had always been his practical wisdom.
Once again, we are witnessing the sort of practical wisdom that results from experience.
Plainly, then, practical wisdom is a virtue and not an art.
This is why we say that some even of the lower animals have practical wisdom, viz.
Now practical wisdom is concerned with action; therefore one should have both forms of it, or the latter in preference to the former.