She practically floated down the hallway, she was feeling so good.
With that and the sheer joy of seeing her performing again I felt like I was practically floating.
When Newt rode back to the herd he practically floated over the ground, he felt so happy.
The sight of a diner festooned with flashing orange lights and practically floating in air caused a passing police car to pull over.
It's always amazing to watch someone move like that: hard and crude though he was, he practically floated.
Something moving outdoors caught my eye, and I glanced out the window just in time to see Angel practically floating across the main playing field.
They practically float into your mouth and leave no heavy film on your palate.
"Years ago we went to Venice, and she practically floated through the city," he said.
The problem was, the plates were practically floating free, held to 91 the bow hull only by stronglines and monofilament.
Sally practically floated out of the room, making Analisa wonder if the girl's cheerful mood had a source similar to her own.