Swept like Ester to Turkmenistan, she practically starves.
Poor guy practically starves herding those smelly sheep.
The epileptic fits, my poor child," continued Cora, after nodding at her sister's interruption, "have left us practically starved all down the right side.
It turned out, according to Giti and her aunt, that the new husband was a twisted individual who abused, virtually imprisoned and practically starved Ms. Shams.
I mean, they practically starve a pregnant woman so she'll have a small baby and no problem delivering.
They stayed at Tampin for some days, and got so little food there that they practically starved; at their urgent entreaty the loal commandant sent them down under guard to Malacca, where they hoped to get a ship.
The other Inuit tribes practically starved as a result, until they banded together and drove the Kiolya away.