Similarly, the veneers and marquetry on many French pieces are so delicate that restoration is practically universal.
Initially, he presumed that this phenomenon was merely a personal idiosyncrasy, but later observations showed that this was not the case at all: the tensing-up of neck muscles is practically universal.
Portuguese is practically universal in Portugal, but there are some specificities.
The custom was practically universal, and enough traces remain to show how splendid was the effect of these old Gothic churches and cathedrals.
Another view that was practically universal was that the outside world - and in most conversations, that quickly turned out to mean the United States - should intervene immediately with military power.
The errors were practically universal.
Critical praise was practically universal for this album.
At this time, the school embraced the principle of co-education for the first time which, according to the school's first prospectus in 1906, was "practically universal in America".
The development of this interactive means of communication is exponential and access to it in many developed countries is practically universal and, in others, is just a question of time.
Dr. Lycett said that, since his data were collected a couple of years ago, basic cell phones have become comparatively cheap and practically universal.