Their accusations were similar to practices outlined in internal Enron memos released last month that showed how traders manipulated the California power market.
The project, initially controversial, became a success, and practices outlined by the KFPP were gradually adopted by all local authorities in the UK.
The practices outlined by federal prosecutors in the criminal cases largely mirror those in the civil complaints.
However, security managers at each organization agreed that the 16 practices outlined in the following illustration, which relate to the five risk management principles, were key to the effectiveness of their programs.
All tax professionals also were to undergo a tax compliance check and were subject to the standards for practice outlined in Treasury Department Circular 230.
Buddhist practice as outlined in the Noble Eightfold Path can be regarded as a progressive list of virtues.
The specific practices outlined in this privacy statement apply to Web sites maintained by or on behalf of the Office of the Secretary of Commerce.
The specific practices outlined in this privacy statement apply to websites maintained by or on behalf of ITA.
Mr. Spitzer said the practices outlined in his lawsuit have resulted in higher costs for consumers of all kinds of insurance.
Non-conformists were those ministers who, though ordained and appointed by the church hierarchy, would not conform to the liturgical practices outlined by the church authorities.