Each practice represents a separate "risk pool," with a set amount of money to spend depending on the number of members assigned to it.
The owner who described a typical owners' meeting denied that the practice represented illegal concerted action or conspiracy.
This practice represents refusal to give in to the demands of the body for comfort.
Since most people prefer the convenience of using a credit card, this practice represents a considerable windfall to big oil.
At its peak, Eagleson's practice represented 150 professional athletes.
The practice represents a significant tightening of procedures for handling arrests at peaceful protests and demonstrations.
This practice represents yet another form of corporate welfare.
He moved his family to Marshall, Texas, in 1872 and established a profitable practice there representing the railroad.
Whether these practices represent the idiosyncrasies of the filmmakers or more widespread cultural tastes is uncertain.
In my country, these practices represent around 40% of imports originating from China.