They also practiced simple funeral rituals.
During this time, the sultan practiced Sufi rituals, which, without a doubt, brought in many people to the order who wanted to advance their political career.
Serious audiophiles practiced record-cleaning rituals before each play as a sacred duty; but more casual listeners were clearly unwilling to make such a fuss.
Some of the people practiced traditional rituals of the ancient Keetoowah.
The men of the tribe practiced rituals to ensure good health, bountiful harvests, hunts and good weather.
His father practiced ancient rituals in the belief that it would help him become even more successful.
He believed that the Sefwi practiced rituals that were unlike those of the surrounding population.
'We better get back; Curt'll think we're practicing weird female rituals in here.'
They are used to practicing rituals to venerate to the different gods and thus to obtain their protection.
The chief leader of this religious revival was a man named Pope, who had earlier been arrested and whipped for practicing native rituals.