Dentistry is an area where many practitioners prefer to work privately (because they can set their own fees).
Grip strength may be an issue with the dumbbell lunge so practitioners may therefore prefer the barbell lunge.
Some practitioners prefer extra-wide mats (30"/78 cm) for positions such as Surya Namaskar or hand-balances.
Although the sprawl is favored among numerous wrestlers and mixed martial arts fighters, some practitioners prefer to use the technique called the 'down block'.
To create the "landing strip" (a line of hair) practitioners and clients prefer either of the two positions: lying face up or lying face down.
There are books about the religion in Cuba, but many traditional practitioners of the religion prefer to learn orally from their religious elders.
Some practitioners prefer to use the term "cervical fluid" to refer to cervical mucus, in an attempt to make the subject more acceptable to these women.
Some general practitioners will prefer to carry out treatment themselves, but may welcome the therapist's advice on management.
Some practitioners of negative option billing prefer to call it "advance consent marketing".
Graffiti (or writing, as its practitioners prefer to call it) is by now a textbook style; no survey of American art is complete without it.