Participating general practitioners referred 28 (31%) patients; and the database referred three (3.4%) on account of high blood glucose concentrations.
It's worth noting that many practitioners also refer to this process as "Audience Targeting".
Some practitioners of alternative medicine may also refer to what they do as somatology.
These problems can often be addressed by installing new stormwater management features on the site, a process that practitioners refer to as stormwater retrofitting.
There is thus no authoritative work to which trades unions, employers, academics and legal practitioners can refer for reliable guidance in this area.
If the drug is approved only for the two specific conditions, general practitioners will probably refer patients to the sleep specialists already visited by Cephalon's sales representatives, he said.
The approach also shows a lack of knowledge of the reasons why general practitioners refer patients to dermatologists.
Some practitioners of open surgery, as a reaction to minimally invasive techniques, now refer to open surgery as "microscopic surgery".
The network holds bimonthly meetings, and because of their regular contact, practitioners can refer clients knowledgeably.
Process Psychology is closely aligned with Process Theology and its practitioners frequently refer to spiritual concerns.