The pragmatic answer is that he was elected on a platform of ending the Palestinian uprising, or intifada, that began four months before he took office, and he simply couldn't focus on Lebanon in a serious way at the same time.
The basic weapon was the pragmatic answer.
The simple answer-the pragmatic answer (or certainly one that John Daker could have best understood) was that I was mad.
If its ontology is accused, the pragmatic answer is "read the minutes of the meeting", both because the strong social constructionism is busy creating programs, and because sharing a reality accurately and completely is futile.
And it is of the utmost importance to realise that the pragmatic answer to these questions is itself what makes the revolution never happen.
Finally, the inability of the Socialists or the right to deal decisively with persistently high unemployment and low growth has made much of the electorate wary of dogmatism and more attuned to politicians with pragmatic answers.
I have thought that a pragmatic American answer would do: give the guarantees but deduct Israeli spending in the occupied territories.
In that particular case necessity demanded charts so the pragmatic answer was to make charts.
The pragmatic answer to that is that they didn't know, and they came to hire attorneys to get advise on the situation.
Open building is also a pragmatic answer to a state of technical entanglement in buildings that has resulted from the incremental addition, over a long period of time, of new technical systems and the "ownership" of these new systems by different trades who rarely cooperate.