The trial was designed on a pragmatic basis, and the results reflected normal practice among the clinicians involved.
The current Chinese leadership builds its relations with the West on a pragmatic basis.
Most feminists respond by multiplying the female subject, and taking the collective category of 'women' as a pragmatic basis for their politics.
Programming is carried out by the volunteer directors on a pragmatic basis.
Mathematical facts were accepted on a pragmatic basis.
I suspect any decision will be taken on a more pragmatic basis.
According to his vision the ideal future world will be one of "free unions," united with each other from below on some pragmatic basis.
Countries still build nuclear reactors, but on a more pragmatic basis - not on the "energy to cheap to measure" line.
I personally consider than minimum harmonisation is a very good and, at the same time, a very pragmatic working basis.
It is more difficult to keep within the powers they confer, to change them or interpret them on a pragmatic basis.