This felt like Obama at its best: acknowledging people's anger and the justice of it, but always drawing the discussion back to rational, pragmatic grounds.
If modern man is to be persuaded, it will be on pragmatic grounds.
Its proponents said a strong mayor is necessary on pragmatic and ideological grounds.
Chapman says many companies settle tribunals on pragmatic grounds rather than the merits of the case.
Caplan has identified himself as a pacifist on pragmatic grounds.
Furthermore, he shamed many of the white leaders in the city into supporting the event beyond pragmatic grounds.
After being in place for seven years, the economic embargo is already broadly criticized on humanitarian and pragmatic grounds, this diplomat said.
This page has long opposed capital punishment on moral, constitutional and pragmatic grounds in all cases.
But most oppose burdening the trade agenda on more pragmatic grounds.
The arrangements I suggest to end the war will appeal to you on completely pragmatic grounds.