The minimum wage debate illustrates that in the end, economic policy might be determined less by partisan goals than by the constraints of pragmatic politics.
"From their point of view, it's just pragmatic politics to appear as independent from Gore as they can be."
He advocated pragmatic politics implemented by strong independent politicians drawn from business.
Now out of the spotlight, he talked of pragmatic politics.
The legislation was far from perfect, which is where pragmatic politics entered in.
But what he defines as pragmatic politics, aimed at power, is increasingly seen as opportunism.
It was a move rooted in the kind of pragmatic politics that Albany has become known for.
Goldstone left unsaid the obvious: as a matter of pragmatic politics, it has been, so far, a catastrophe.
Secondly, pragmatic politics could play a larger part in the thinking of the IWC.
Blair's outlook appeared to be an odd mix of evangelical zeal, and pragmatic politics.