Members offer simple and pragmatic strategies for reducing the risks of recreational intoxication to self and others.
Some also contended that her stirring rhetoric masked a lack of pragmatic strategy.
Another reason is simply pragmatic strategy.
He has taken that pragmatic strategy to county and local elections.
There are many revelations in the released documents that appear with hindsight to show Thatcher implementing unambiguously brilliant and pragmatic strategies.
One pragmatic strategy is to publicly announce plans to re-use older graves and invite families to respond if they are willing or not.
That appeared to be reasonable pragmatic strategy, even though it did not pan out.
It centres around an explicit goal, and develops into a highly pragmatic and scientifically based strategy which challenges the traditional approach to road safety.
The initiatives suggested are not, in fact, part of a tiered, pragmatic strategy indicating how the new 'Beyond GDP' approach should be used.
Cutting out the two Mets games is a pragmatic strategy, she said.