The first three steps are meant to undermine the truth of religion; the last goes to its pragmatic value.
They knew the pragmatic value of tact.
She distinguished between different kinds of sense, and developed the various relations between them and ethical, aesthetic, pragmatic, and social values.
Even for the business-minded, there may be pragmatic value in the perceived social benefits.
Therefore, humans adapt their past experiences of things to perform experiments upon and test the pragmatic values of such experience.
It also has a pragmatic value by improving the safety of streets.
They foster pragmatic values oriented towards rewards, including persistence, saving and capacity for adaptation.
Several times, touching upon that theme of dreaming, Castaneda would say that that which they do in dreams has a pragmatic value.
The exchange of body parts had pragmatic value, allowing scuttlers to adapt themselves for particular duties and environments.
Mayor Daley shared the machine's hierarchical, pragmatic values, and was offended by anyone who made demands on elected officials without helping to elect them.