In those broadcasts, Pound denounced the Allied war effort and its political leaders and he praised Mussolini and Hitler.
Pope Pius XI praised Mussolini, and the official Catholic newspaper pronounced "Italy has been given back to God and God to Italy."
In his autobiography, he praised Mussolini as "basically a very principled, ethical individual" who was "deeply misunderstood".
The would-be actor Aldo Silvano (John Turturro) bristles at relatives who praise Mussolini.
Nichifor Crainic became a leading pro-Fascist figure in the political turmoil of the late 1930s, openly praising Mussolini and Hitler.
The group initially praised Mussolini for his anti-communism and fascist principles, leading it to adopt the black uniform shirt of Italian fascism for a short period.
Four days after watershed elections brought his party into Italy's political mainstream for the first time, the leader of the neo-Fascist group within the victorious right-wing alliance was quoted today as praising Mussolini as "the greatest statesman of the century."
He also praised Mussolini and Franco and later served the Somoza regime as a diplomat in Spain before deciding decades later that the Sandinistas represented "the birth of freedom."
In Italy everyone was satisfied about the Conference's decision and praised Mussolini.