You are worthy of the praise bestowed on you by the King of gods.
This new custom had become so popular that some daughters were protesting that it wasn't fair that they be denied the praise and gifts bestowed upon their brothers.
In this respect, Noyes perhaps deserves the high praise bestowed upon him by Havelock Ellis and George Bernard Shaw.
Nor is this the first time that questions have been raised about praise bestowed upon Pentagon weaponry in the flush of victory after the war.
Prince Ivan, whose transient moodiness had passed away like a bad devil exorcised by the power of good wine, joined heartily in the praise bestowed on this four-footed friend of the family.
It reminded this reporter of the line of praise bestowed by Bobby Jones - a golfing icon if ever there was one - after Nicklaus had won his third Masters, at 26.
Although March lived long enough to see the critical praise bestowed upon the novel, he died before the novel's full impact became apparent.
In contrast with the lavish praise bestowed on the Dál Cais, the text describes the Vikings with vehemence and condemnation, though in terms no less hyperbolic:
The game received a positive response from critics, with praise bestowed on the game's humor, graphics and gameplay.
This article, and praise bestowed on the work by Coleridge in a lecture at the Royal Institution, led to a general acknowledgment of its merit.