He praised the performances in the film, including the supporting cast.
Others praised this episode overall, including moments outside the story of Coach's daughter.
"But a lot of people have praised me, including people who can't ever find a parking space on the street."
He praised the city's statements that it was beginning an $800 million program of service cuts, including possibly 15,000 layoffs.
However, the range of weapons were praised for including new and existing weapons, along with the level design.
The series was also praised by several critics, including Kim Newman.
The song has been highly praised by other artists, including Bob Dylan.
Critics praised several elements of the episode, including Jerry's confrontation with the dry cleaner.
She was also praised by critics, including Jeffery Lyons who called her "one to watch".
Critics praised multiple aspects of the game, including its interactive storytelling, characterization, and combat.