An executive at one of Lucent's largest customers, Verizon Communications, praised Ms. Russo's appointment yesterday.
National security advisers are not subject to Senate confirmation, but members of Congress have warmly praised General Powell's appointment.
Business and community leaders yesterday praised Mr. Sullivan's appointment, which has been expected for some time but was delayed because of negotiations over his affiliation with the bank.
Environmental advocacy groups praised Ms. Lloyd's appointment yesterday.
But Mr. Maughan's colleagues, many of whom praised his appointment yesterday, had expected him to rise to the top.
Although some analysts questioned the suitability of Mr. Semel's background, others praised his appointment.
Industry watchers praised Mr. Goodwin's appointment precisely because he is an insider.
He also praised Governor Whitman's appointment of a census coordinator who got census packets into the schools so children could talk with parents about the census.
Even Democrats praised his appointment.
Housing advocates and experts yesterday praised Ms. Hernandez-Pinero's appointment.