Alms were distributed and prayers recited.
These superscripts are meant to indicate that sincere repentance includes fasting, prayer recited in a loud voice, and donations to charity.
Finally, the supplementary prayers formerly recited in connection with the breviary were also suppressed.
Students, who had voted overwhelmingly to have the prayers recited, staged a sit-in to support the suspended principal and held prayer meetings.
The prayer recited for the bread is found in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.
They are granted for specific good works and prayers in proportion to the devotion with which those good works are performed or prayers recited.
The table with the food and wine offerings is then cleared and the written prayer recited earlier on during the ceremony is set a fire.
These prayers recite specific word sequences on different parts of the rosary beads.
(Bundahishn 3.22) This implies that all prayers recited between noon and three invoke Aša.
The northerners were all ahorse, meals gulped and prayers recited, by the time day was bright enough to be of any use.