When the pre-Broadway tour opened in New Haven on February 27, 1951, the show was nearly four hours long.
This doesn't feel like a pre-Broadway tour.
Back to the show that's hoping for a home in November or December (assuming everything goes well on its pre-Broadway tour, which began last month).
She has been doing this week after week since April 1989, when "Gypsy" hit the road for a six-month pre-Broadway tour.
London, and the English hinterlands even more so, are cheap enough to make England a tempting place to start a pre-Broadway tour.
Martin Charnin will direct, and there may be a pre-Broadway tour by next summer.
It was a long gestation period (our pre-Broadway tour lasted almost six months).
Rehearsals for a pre-Broadway tour are planned for January.
Ziegfeld previewed the production in a pre-Broadway tour from November 15 to December 19, 1927.
High School Musical premiered in July 2007 on its pre-Broadway tour.