If sending a paper return, you must complete and return it by the due date shown on the top right-hand side in the pre-addressed envelope provided.
For as long as you wish to participate, by following our instructions you will receive pre-addressed envelopes with postage stamps already affixed.
Lucky's fingers trembled ever so slightly as he wrapped the last flap of paper into place and slipped the packet carefully into the pre-addressed envelope.
If you do not have a pre-addressed envelope that we sent you, please send your payment to:
People could complete and submit their questionnaire online, or fill it in on paper and post it back in a pre-addressed envelope.
Direct Access provided pre-addressed envelopes for drugstores to give to customers for shipping the test cards to the company.
If you do not have a pre-addressed envelope, the address for posting a cheque is:
You must send your return to CAT at the address shown above (paragraph 8.9) using the pre-addressed envelope provided.
They finally handed me a pre-addressed envelope and told me to drop it into a designated box.
When you mail one back in its postage-paid, pre-addressed envelope, Netflix sends you the next one on your wish list automatically.