A tiny fishing town of 200 people until 1958, Nouakchott was little mentioned during pre-colonial and colonial history.
The pre-colonial history of Zimbabwe lasted until the British government granted colonial status to Southern Rhodesia in 1923.
Most of the Kaurna elders died before much of their culture could be recorded, and so little is known of the pre-colonial history of the area.
Cambodia, like many of its neighbors, had no pre-colonial history or conception of constitution and rule of law.
Mudenge was a professional historian focusing on African history in general but with speciality on pre-colonial Zimbabwean history.
Archaeologists have agreed that Mapungubwe was a powerful and complex state, probably the most important in the pre-colonial history of sub-Saharan Africa.
Red Gold of Africa: copper in pre-colonial history and culture.
'An outline of pre-colonial Pokot history', Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, 23, pp.
It describes the pre-colonial history of Africa.
The Luo of Kenya descend from early fishing, agricultural and herding communities from western Kenya's early pre-colonial history.