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In the absence of words that deny such equality, these pre-existing rights should continue to exist.
People do not have a pre-existing right to things they do not own, just because they're 'virtual' objects instead of real ones.
It created no new right of property or chose in action: it merely enabled a pre-existing right to be enforced.
To have acted tortiously, one must have breached a duty to another person, or infringed some pre-existing legal right.
Industrial property is not a pre-existing right.
The way people demonstrate "unfairness" is to show that some pre-existing right has been breached.
He described the 1966 ruling as a "pragmatic" effort by the Supreme Court to protect the pre-existing right against involuntary confessions.
In the case of a Christian daughter, she has no pre-existing right in the family property and her rights arise when her parents die intestate.
It does not strip consumers of their pre-existing rights.
These pre-existing rights for tax-funded minority faith schools were then part of the constitutional negotiations surrounding Canadian Confederation in the 1860s.