But subsequent pre-publication reviews from Booklist, Library Journal, and The Denver Post were positive.
CIA employees and contractors do sign an agreement to submit their works for pre-publication review.
In such situations, pre-publication review by a lawyer would rarely avoid a suit.
Jones did not restrict his harsh criticism of papers he saw as flawed to pre-publication reviews.
If the data were submitted to a scientific journal that required pre-publication review by scientific peers, "it would not be accepted," the scientists' statement said.
Three major means of direct censorship (pre-publication review, licensing and registration, and government monopolization) are preventive in nature.
"There's no question that 'Radicals in Robes' was affected by a kind of pre-publication review on a blog," he said.
Caliban issues a printed prospectus of a coming edition, with the hope of pre-publication reviews in a field publication such as the magazine Fine Print.
The contents of all print media are subject to official pre-publication review.
The book has received glowing pre-publication reviews, some of which have noted that it is a novel for adults as well as young adults.