You can listen to her advice on our pre-recorded tapes (each lasting four minutes).
By 1987 she was singing 20-minute sets to pre-recorded tapes of her first album to audiences at malls across the country.
The islanders who have heard on the radio (a pre-recorded tape cassette?) that a hurricane is heading their way.
Somebody, therefore, has to lead the singing, either unaccompanied or to the accompaniment of a pre-recorded tape, and training is needed for this as well.
The first musicassettes (pre-recorded tapes) were made in 1964, as a gimmick.
By 1957 Chapel had added pre-recorded tapes to its line.
Columbia House carried pre-recorded reel-to-reel tapes from 1960 to 1984.
Consumers would also be able to make copies of a pre-recorded digital tape, a broadcast or a live performance.
This is partly because there are few pre-recorded tapes available to play on the machines.
I wondered if it was him, playing on a pre-recorded tape; or his brother.