D&D appeared in 1973 at Eastercon, and pre-release copies of the game were in circulation by the end of the year.
The official release date for the album was January 21, 2013 but pre-release copies were made available as early as October 2012.
By July, the album was ready for issue, and pre-release copies of Slow Train Coming circulated through the press.
Warner Bros. devoted six months to an anti-piracy strategy that involved tracking the people who had a pre-release copy of the film at any one time.
I also took a quick look at a pre-release copy of the Hitachi Visionbook Plus 5000, about $1,700.
It was ultimately canceled even after pre-release copies for press were sent out and have since been appearing on eBay.
But pre-release copies are already being tested at a number of companies, they said.
Maybe he had not filched the documents from the government but rather had committed the lesser offense of lifting a pre-release copy from a journalist.
However, the company has been sending pre-release copies of the program to developers and analysts for almost a year on the condition that they not talk about it publicly.
Although officially released in 2005, 200 pre-release copies of the album were available for those who attended Womad Reading 2004 as a "festival edition."