All these are on a pre-tax basis.
The exchange said 101 organizations lost a total of $335 million on a pre-tax basis.
It is also evident in the Gini coefficient, which was estimated to be 0.428 on a pre-tax basis but only 0.315 on an after-tax basis.
Contributions from an employer or employee may be made on a pre-tax basis through an employer.
Premiums for enrolled Federal and Postal employees are withheld from salary on a pre-tax basis.
Employees can make contributions to the 401(k) on a pre-tax or post-tax basis, depending on what the plan allows.
As with the matching funds, these contributions are also made on a pre-tax basis.
SURS contributions are deducted from your pay on a pre-tax basis, and income taxes will be due when you make withdrawals at retirement.
The employer provides the plan and the employee defers compensation into it on a pre-tax basis.
Income from its trust and agency activities climbed sharply in the fourth quarter, to $133.5 million on a pre-tax basis, from $91.1 million.