Officials also acknowledge that many law enforcement officers lack experience in investigating trafficking cases and managing pre-trial investigations.
Col. Oscar Florendo, the military's chief spokesman, told reporters today that Colonel Honasan "will go through the process of interrogation, pre-trial investigation and court martial."
The pre-trial investigation against Ūsas, nevertheless, continued.
Lithuanian Prosecutor General's Office terminated the pre-trial investigation because the allegations were unfounded.
The Commission expressed the opinion that the pre-trial investigation had not been properly conducted and that the members felt that no death sentence should be executed where such a doubt existed.
During pre-trial investigations, Murphy was placed in a line-up for possible identification by witnesses to Pavis' shooting.
Article 32 of the UCMJ concerns pre-trial investigations.
A long pre-trial investigation followed, consolidating testimonies by survivors and detainees.
Article 32 refers to the pre-trial investigation and hearing conducted before charges are referred to trial for court-martial.
Instead of lawyers of his own choosing the court appointed a lawyer who performed no pre-trial investigation and never met with Conway.