His prearranged schedule had provided for him to leave the apartment at 6:15.
All equipment will be replaced each twenty or twenty-five years according to a prearranged schedule.
One of your henchmen had come to Central Park to pick up the package if everything went according to your prearranged schedule.
Now they literally flew at their tasks, in furious haste, but following rigidly and in perfect coordination a prearranged schedule.
Then, at strategic moments of supreme boredom or on a prearranged schedule, let each child open his box and take out a toy.
Each employee is expected to be present during the core period on scheduled workdays and to fulfill the commitment to account for a full 80-hour biweekly period for full-time employees or a prearranged schedule for part-time employees.
The dignity of the sheirl may be ransomed by her captain for five hundred ozols, a thousand, two thousand, or higher, in accordance with a prearranged schedule.
Using a prearranged schedule, Charn Nol had contacted each of the three groups in his area.
They had spoken by phone earlier via the prearranged schedule they had set up, bringing one another up-to-date on the progress of their parallel missions.
They say they will stick to their prearranged schedule for issuing policy plans, two of which have already been released: one advocating populist reforms like term limits and one for reducing welfare spending.