Even with the Federal emergency relief that Congress passed in August, many still face a precarious future.
These techniques could provide a new outlet for thousands of small tobacco farmers whose livelihoods are linked to the precarious future of the cigarette industry.
This is why Congress should be restraining Mr. Bush instead of authorizing him to lead us into a dangerous war and a more precarious future.
Future Dim for Small Studios Today, many of those small companies face a precarious future.
Now, as job growth and the economy slow under the twin burdens of higher borrowing costs and rising energy prices, the housing industry faces a precarious future.
Suffice it to say that some people die, others depart for precarious futures and tears are shed.
Somehow that mattered far more than her precarious future.
Hundreds of thousands of others had opted for a more distant and precarious future.
There were no breaks for Rusch, his future still precarious.
The phenomenon that has shriveled press freedoms throughout the region, which is caught nervously between old calculations and a precarious, uncharted future.