Berkman spent his last years eking out a precarious living as an editor and translator.
He was a local swamp character who earned a precarious living by fishing and trapping.
Merely enough to keep soul and body together, to eke out a precarious living.
After this, earning a precarious living as a freelance journalist and by writing books, mainly political biographies.
At first she earned a precarious living as a teacher, transferring from one remote rural school to another.
Mr. Faust currently makes a precarious living by writing the novels he dropped out of college to write.
After settling, Philips married and gained a precarious living by teaching the virginals to children.
Most miners earn a precarious living working long hours in dangerous and unhealthy conditions.
I have nothing against deserting and scratching out a precarious living with my chicken foot.
On his return to Europe, he turned professional chess player, but made a precarious living from tournaments.