Tom (David Morris, the co-director of the film) is a successful art dealer who is in a precarious relationship with Lars (Benjamin Hart), a handsome sometime-model.
With Madog ap Meredith of Powis the sheriff had a more precarious relationship.
"Terra Firma" explores a community's precarious relationship with the ground, and its set includes a dozen haystacks.
Later, Daniel is reunited with Zara and they once again begin a precarious relationship.
We are led to reflect on our own emotional experience of the close and infinitely precarious, but also emotional relationship between appearance and reality, exaltation and despair.
Only in the precarious relationship between the United States and China could a meeting that resolves no differences be termed a success by both sides.
And strangely, it was a more precarious relationship than plain old love.
During the season, Chuck consistently tries to use "The Paper" to make money, while Gary develops a precarious relationship with police Detective Ezekiel Crumb.
I'm at least making an attempt at salvaging a very precarious relationship.