In 1990, with the hotel in precarious shape, the city moved the families out.
King left Northern in 1908, but by then, the company was in precarious shape.
She really was in precarious shape.
That's little consolation to Connecticut's second-run theaters, many of which are already in precarious financial shape.
On the West Coast, officials have known for years that salmon stocks were in precarious shape.
By all accounts, the American commercial rocket industry is in precarious shape.
Mr. Grossman declined to specify which states and localities might be in particularly precarious shape.
Still, the effect of higher interest rates is felt at a time when the city's $28 billion budget seems to be in precarious shape.
Their inspector said the boiler looked to be in precarious shape.
Although Indonesia's neighbors are in less precarious shape, they, too, face internal pressures that could derail changes.