The warnings and precautions associated with ceftaroline include:
Some precautions that people are already taking for a cataclysmic event include:
These precautions include gentle handling when moving or transferring patients and fall-prevention strategies.
Otherwise, precautions include going easy on alcohol and skiing at a slower pace in the beginning.
Some common precautions include limiting the amount of oxygen in the air, and keeping combustible materials away from the workplace.
The precautions taken by the flying squad included replacing the priceless gems with replicas of the same size.
Because the warning gave details about who might hijack a plane, the precautions included searching and interrogating passengers fitting that description.
Such precautions shall include training of their armed forces and other practical measures.
The alliance says precautions often included round-the-clock surveillance from the air to establish "patterns of life" to ensure that civilians would not be hit.
Other precautions include setting snares at specific heights, diameters, and locations.