His major thesis is that existence precedes essence.
The reaction took on the name of existentialism, and was characterized by the phrase "existence precedes essence".
He also developed the concept of "existence precedes essence".
What first affects us are things that exist and we form ideas of essences afterward, so existence precedes essence.
This is meaning of "existence precedes essence" in Sartre's existentialism.
A Rousselian note is heard in the last line's conclusion that name precedes essence.
The term "existence precedes essence" subsequently became a maxim of the existentialist movement.
"Existence precedes essence" means that a human exists first before they have meaning in life.
As existence precedes essence so emotion precedes and helps to create its object.
As an existentialist, Beauvoir believed that existence precedes essence; hence one is not born a woman, but becomes one.