Now that's kind of you, dearie, but who would pay their precious coin to watch an overblown fool like me prance about the stage?
This would handle the matter without costing her precious coins.
Personal connections are the most precious coin of city politics, and there was nothing nefarious about Mr. Ickes's involvement.
Their pregame nerves jingled around the clubhouse like precious coins in a worn pocket.
Without argument Shmuel Hacohen took from his left pocket the precious coin.
With each round, the bardling saw with a shudder, more and more of his precious coins were added to the pot.
He felt too insecure about the future to squander one precious coin.
Wilson actually smiled, fleetingly, as if a grin from him were precious coin and he tightly held the purse strings.
Did we buy anything worth having with the precious coin we paid?
The thick domed crusts, with their deeply fluted edges, were the coppery gold of precious coins.