I don't know for sure, but it's got to be one of the precious ones.
In both Italian and French folklore, magpies' penchant for picking up shiny items is thought to be particularly directed towards precious ones.
People like that are the really precious ones.' '
The most precious ones are the three full copies made by Giovanni Boccaccio (1360s), who himself did not have the original manuscript as a source.
Friends and relatives, precious ones long gone.
And the Ancestors in those days were different from the precious ones still among us today.
After what they done to us, to me two precious ones, they ain't entitled to a brass razoo!
I'll have to be pushing on my way; for the early hours of a case are the precious ones, as no man knows better than your own self.
He may rally again, before the end, and what words he may have for you could be precious ones.
One of the precious bitter ones.