In the tumult, its outer wrappings had been torn, and Karatek saw the precious silk of an inner casing.
Their finery was crafted from bright colors in satin, velvet and precious silk, whereas, his raiment was black, made of coarse wool.
Once the child is born, she has him sent away to her sister in Northumbria along with precious silk, a ring, and a letter.
There she sat now, on an oaken trunk full of precious silks and embroideries, shivering after the bath, her clothes clutched to her body.
Carefully holding her precious silk away from the cobwebby back of the dresser, Inos moved to that diabolically tempting door.
In Rome itself, he had seen men of Shiu's race trading their cargoes of precious silk to the merchants of the city.
A frantic Company's supercargo darted by, In search of hands to reload his precious silk.
Indeed, I saw the warriors of Buliwyf looking about the caves eagerly, as any woman in a bazaar shop selling precious silks.
Whether woven of simple cotton or precious silk the sari is considered by many to be the world's most feminine costume.