A monthly precipitation average below 60 mm is considered dry season month.
The annual mean temperature is 8 C and precipitation averages 925 mm.
Precipitation averages 30 to 50 inches (760 to 1,270 mm) annually, except in the far north.
In June, the average temperature ranges between 60 to 77, the humidity from 58 to 74 percent and precipitation averages 3.3 inches.
Total precipitation averages only 250 to 300 mm (9.8 in to 11.8 in).
The average annual precipitation averages between 1,500mm to 2,000+mm depending upon the seasonal flooding intensity.
Immediately northeast of the park is a rather small rainshadow area where annual precipitation averages about 16 inches.
Total precipitation averages 30.3 inches (770 mm) per year.
Precipitation averages just under 16 inches per year.
Precipitation averages 2.5 inches, one of the lowest totals of the year.