ELEVEN Our precipitous retreat was in itself so unnatural as to startle me when, back at the door rent, I paused to think.
Although he glanced rapidly from one side to the other he could not have seen Michael Strogoff, owing to his precipitous retreat.
When Traun learned of this, he ordered a precipitous retreat to Capua, abandoning armaments and camp equipment along the way.
The enemy's precipitous retreat called for a continuation of the attack regardless of the troop's exhaustion.
Those qualms, they say, were heightened by the precipitous retreat in the value of Hewlett-Packard shares, from nearly $65 each in July 2000 to $21.50 last Friday.
Before hecould lead them in a precipitous retreat down the gill, Mary burst outof the vestry door.
He was noted for his precipitous retreat and failure to reinforce Colonel Tretyakov at the Battle of Nanshan, leading directly to the Russian defeat.
Caligula was "full of threats" against "the barbarians," but at the same time prone to precipitous retreats and flights of panic.
It is not clear that global warming is responsible for this precipitous retreat (retreating glaciers elsewhere, like those in the Alps, offer much more convincing smoking guns).
Although not the first to do so, he calls for the creation of new forms and styles and a precipitous retreat from the anachronistic imitations of English literature.