Since then, the value of the deal has soared to $10 billion from $4.2 billion as a result of a precipitous rise of America Online's stock price.
You had a fairly precipitous rise in rates by the Fed, a move in oil that surprised most people.
When a hoof slipped as Jondalar tried to lead Racer up a precipitous rise near the top, the horse neighed and tried to rear.
The result has been poor nutrition, widespread weight gain, a precipitous rise in diabetes and little or no benefit to the health of the heart or any other organ.
The precipitous rise in the cost of schools and governments led to the state income tax, Mr. Thorp said.
Impact International, a trade newsletter, cited a confluence of factors, all set off by the precipitous rise of grape prices in 1990.
Unconfirmed reports that central bankers had intervened briefly to cap any precipitous rise in the dollar's value helped stall the short rally, traders added.
Little forested land exists between the mountains and shores of the lake owing to the precipitous rise of surrounding topography.
A precipitous rise in the price of rice caused extreme economic hardship, particularly in rural areas where rice was the main staple of life.
Alarmists predict a precipitous rise in homelessness; supporters foresee a cadre of newly productive workers.