Sunrise found Jesus and John the Baptist sitting above the Jordan in the hollow of a precipitous rock.
Nearby, black-footed rock wallabies hop around on the precipitous rock faces.
It has been taken along the side of precipitous rocks which have been cut in places to make room for it.
"And it is in this dismal city," I said to myself, "upon this precipitous rock, that the manuscript of Clerk Alexander is to be found!"
It looks like two islands, is mostly engirt with high precipitous rocks, includes a low tract of very fertile soil.
The castle consisted of two distinct parts; a keep of an irregular shape on the top of a precipitous rock and other buildings at a lower level.
The site of the castle is a precipitous rock which, on three sides, overlooks the Clyde.
Hill forts were built on precipitous rocks for defense.
And at this moment I discovered that the bridge had ceased, and we must trust for a foot- hold to the slippery and precipitous rocks.
The hill is formed of precipitous bare solid rock, rounded on the top and about 500 feet in height.