Blade's ax hissed down in a precise arc and Sigo's raised hand flew from its wrist.
She kicked flat-footed, then dove forward into the outlander's room, the curved sword moving in a neat precise arc, up into guard position.
Shkai'ra rose lightly on her toes, peering about, the tip of her saber making small precise arcs through the incense-laden air.
The Yavac returned fire: energy bolts that hit in a precise arc, driving them back toward the ruins of their grid screen, denying them an escape route.
But in "It's Raining," her coyly syncopated phrasing and the shifting tone of her voice traced a precise arc from affected nonchalance to desolation.
Taking 360 /27 results in a precise arc of 13 20' per Nakshatra, remembering that 60' constitute 1 .
Furthermore, each Nakshatra is divided into four sections, also called pāda, and when taking 13 20'/4 results in a precise arc of 3 20' per pāda.
The knife flashed in a precise arc, slitting the flesh of the man's neck and the windpipe under it.
To his right was the bar, which curved along the wall behind the top tier of tables as one immaculate, unbelievably precise arc of mahogany.
The rocket plane is launched on a precise arc to land at its destination.