It is based on the precise relations of unbelievably tiny fiber connections.
In the earlier records Nahapana is called Ksatrapa although his precise relation with Bhuumaka is not known.
The precise relations can best be understood from the actual texts, but the following is an attempt to summarise the essential differences.
The style and rare nickel alloys of his coins associates him closely in time with the king Agathocles but their precise relation remains uncertain.
The precise relations between the operators must be chosen to ensure the correct commutation relations for the angular momentum operators.
Again, the precise relation between the rate of dancing and the distance to the food differs between races.
The piece has an underlying tempo scheme, very precise rhythmic relations between sections, and proportional relations.
Just as the origin of the kisaeng is unclear, so is their precise relation to other strata of society.
Wanted to know my precise relations with the Livingston family.
Although it is recognizably megalonychid, its precise relations are obscure.