It has a very precise tolerance; otherwise it doesn't work.
The Northern Telecom part, with its less precise tolerances, is far cheaper to manufacture.
At the heart of all L.C.D.'s is a piece of glass, manufactured to precise tolerances.
The higher the rating, the more precise tolerances the bearing has been machined too.
Bell-Northern researchers believe that with its new approach, manufacturing costs could be slashed to as little as $50, because of the less precise tolerances required.
This moulding process allows precise tolerances and detailed shaping but can sometimes fail to fully saturate the fabric leading to weak spots in the final shape.
To comply with the standards, special machines and tools are used that also meet precise tolerances.
The ship knew the precise physiological tolerances of Quaiche's body, and was prepared nearly to kill him in the interests of his ultimate survival.
The precise tolerances necessary make this a highly skilled job.
The use of overlap in the former reduces the variation seen in bead size, meaning that precise dimensional tolerances needed for industrial installations can be maintained better.