Some fictional accounts state that he had had a precognitive dream and was locked up as a drunk after causing a riot.
A related talent, usually referred to simply as Dreaming, is the ability to have precognitive dreams, though they are often difficult to interpret.
Have you been having those precognitive dreams again?
During this time, Sam begins experiencing episodes of precognitive dreams and once displays telekinesis.
Jill, a seven-year-old girl who sometime has precognitive dreams, loses her mother Seryan to a fever.
"Tell me, sir, have you ever had a precognitive dream?"
"I have had precognitive dreams, but only twice before."
"The important thing is that you have had precognitive dreams."
Another experiment gave subjects a fake diary of a student with apparently precognitive dreams.
He rejected many of these claims and reached a conclusion that 8.8 percent of the population was having actual precognitive dreams.